剁椒魚頭(紅椒) Fish head with chopped pepper (red pepper)
$159.00清炒萵筍絲 Stir-fried Celtuce Julienne
$101.00酸菜鯛魚Sauerkraut Snapper
$182.00泡椒爆嫩牛 Saute the beef with pickled pepper
$113.00農家小炒肉(辣)Sit-fried Pork with Peppers (spciy)
$101.00重慶辣子雞 (辣) .Stir - fried cjicken with dried cjilli(spciy)
$159.00京葱爆羊肉 Stir-fried Mutton with Scallions
$159.00老成都口水雞(辣) Steamed Chicken With Chilli Sauce(Spciy)
外賣餐具 Utensil
本餐廳響應環保,不主動提供餐具,如有需要,可於下方加購 In our efforts to promote sustainability, utensils are available for add - on at below.
餐具包 Utensil
1份 / 1 Pack$3.00
涼菜 Cold Dishes
老成都口水雞(辣) Steamed Chicken With Chilli Sauce(Spciy)
例牌 Regular$101.00涼拌土豆絲 Coid Potatoes
例牌 Regular$55.00醬牛肉 Soy Sauce Beef
例牌 Regular$101.00鎮江肴肉 Chilled Crystal Ham
例牌 Regular$90.00陳年花雕醉雞 Drunken chicken
例牌 Reguar$101.00油燜小竹笋 Braised Bamboo Shoots
例牌 Regular$68.00涼拌小雲耳 Cold Sauce With Fungus
例牌 Regular$55.00刀拍小黃瓜 Cucumber Salad
例牌 Regular$55.00夫妻肺片(辣)Marinated Beef Tripe, Ox Tongue, Beef Shank and Beef Tendon in Chilli Sauce (spciy)
例牌 Regular$101.00
肉類 Meat
京葱爆羊肉 Stir-fried Mutton with Scallions
例牌 Regular$159.00重慶辣子雞 (辣) .Stir - fried cjicken with dried cjilli(spciy)
例牌 Regular$159.00農家小炒肉(辣)Sit-fried Pork with Peppers (spciy)
例牌 Regular$101.00泡椒爆嫩牛 Saute the beef with pickled pepper
例牌 Regular$113.00川椒回鍋肉 (辣) Double cooked sliced pork with chilli (Spciy)
例牌 Regular$101.00小炒黃牛肉 (辣) Stir - fried beef with pepper
例牌 Regular$113.00京蔥爆牛肉 Stir - fried beef with scallions
例牌 Regular$113.00孜然羊肉 Sauteed Mutton with Cumin
例牌 Regular$170.00紅燒獅子頭 Braised Pork Ball in Brown Sauce
例牌 Regular$124.00黑醋小排骨 Pork Chop in Black Vinegar
例牌 Regular$101.00土匪豬肝(辣)Stir-fried Pig Liver with Chili (spciy)
例牌 Regular$101.00川香宮爆雞丁 Kung Pao Diced Chicken
例牌 Regular$101.00重慶辣子肥腸 Chongqing Spicy Pork Intestines
例 Regular$159.00干鍋肥腸 Griddles Pork Intestines with Chilli
例牌 Regular$147.00
招牌水煮 Hot Chilli Broth
水煮桂花魚 Hot Spicy Boiled Mandarin Fish
小份 Small$308.00水煮桂花魚 Hot Spicy Boiled Mandarin Fish
大份 Large$596.00水煮山羊肉 Hot Spicy Boiled Goat Meat
例牌 Regular$228.00水煮鮮牛肉Hot Spicy Boiled Beef
例牌 Regular$182.00水煮肉片 Hot Spicy Boiled Pork
例牌 Regular$182.00毛血旺 Duck Blood in Chilli Sauce
例牌 Regular$205.00
馳名酸菜 Sauerkraut
酸菜鯛魚Sauerkraut Snapper
例牌 Regular$182.00酸菜桂花魚 Sauerkraut Mandarin Fish
小份 Small$297.00酸菜桂花魚 Sauerkraut Mandarin Fish
大份 Large$584.00酸菜鮮牛肉 Sauerkraut Beef
例牌 Regular$170.00酸菜鱸魚 Sauerkraut Perch
例牌 Regular$205.00酸菜大魚頭Sauerkraut Fish Head
例牌 Regular$182.00
蔬菜 Vegetables
螞蟻上樹Stir-fry Vermicelli with Spicy Minced Pork
例牌 Regular$90.00乾煸四季豆(辣)Stir-fried String Bean with Minced Pork (spciy)
例牌 Regular$90.00麻婆豆腐 (辣) Mapo Fohu (Spciy)
例牌 Regular$90.00清炒萵筍絲 Stir-fried Celtuce Julienne
例牌 Regular$101.00熗炒土豆絲(辣)Sauteed Potato Julienne with Dried Pepper(spciy)
例牌 Regular$78.00悠懸小香乾(辣)Dried Bean Curd with Pepper (Spciy)
例牌 Regular$90.00熗炒高麗菜 (辣) Sauteed Cabbage with Chilli(Spciy)
例牌 Regular$78.00鹹肉百葉津白Chinese Cabbage with Tofu Skin & Salted Pork
例牌 Regular$101.00上湯百葉小棠菜Green Chinese Cabbage with Tofu Skin in Soup
例牌 Regular$90.00常德大盤花菜(辣)Stir-fried Cauliflower with Sliced Pork and Pepper (spciy)
例牌 Regular$90.00常德大盤茄子四季豆Sauteed Eggplant & Green Beans
例牌 Regular$90.00魚香茄子(辣)Stir-fried Eggplant with Minced Pork (Spciy)
例牌 Regular$90.00
海鮮 Seafood
剁椒魚頭(紅椒) Fish head with chopped pepper (red pepper)
半份 Half$159.00蒽燒海參Scallion Braised Sea Cucumber
例牌 Regular$458.00糖醋魚瑰 Sweet & Sour Fish Fillets
例牌 Regular$113.00剁椒魚頭(剁青) Fish head with chopped pepper (chopped green)
全份 Whole$308.00剁椒魚頭(紅椒) Fish head with chopped pepper (red pepper)
全份 Whole$308.00賽螃蟹 Scrambled Egg white
例牌 Regular$113.00
飯•麵•年糕 Rice, Noodle, Rice Cake
濃湯嫩雞煨麵 Chicken Soup Noodles
碗 Bowl$90.00人家擔擔麵 Dandan Noodles
碗 Bowl$78.00絲苗白飯Steamed Plain Rice
碗 Bowl$18.00嫩牛熗湯拉麵 Tender Beef Soup Noodles
碗 Bowl$78.00嫩羊熗湯拉麵Tender Lamb Soup Noodles
碗 Bowl$90.00雪菜肉絲麵 Preserved Vegetable & Shredded Pork Soup Noodles
碟 Dish$78.00雪菜肉絲麵 Preserved Vegetable & Shredded Pork Soup Noodles
碟 Dish$78.00木桶胡椒肚雞麵 Chicken noodle with pepper tripe in wooden barrel
碗 Bowl$90.00人家排骨擔擔麵Dandan Noodles with Pork Chop
碗 Bowl$90.00湘蜀炒飯 Xiang Shu Fried Rice
碟 Dish$101.00小蔥醬油炒飯 Fried Rice with Scallions and Soy Sauce
碟 Dish$78.00
湯品 Soup
砂鍋餛飩雞Clay Pot Wonton Chicken
半隻 Half$193.00砂鍋餛飩雞Clay Pot Wonton Chicken
全隻 Whole$389.00百葉小棠菜燉老鵝湯Stewed Goose Soup with Bean Curd and Baby Bok Choy
需預定 / reservation required$262.00魚頭豆腐湯Fish Head & Tofu Soup
半份 Half$159.00魚頭豆腐湯Fish Head & Tofu Soup
全份 Whole$308.00豬肚雞 Chicken Soup with Pork Stomach
例牌 Regular$159.00百葉鹹肉小棠菜湯Tofu Skin & Green Chinese Cabbage with Salted Pork Soup
例牌 Regular$124.00
點心 Dim Sum
韭菜豬肉水餃 Pork with Chives Boiled Dumpling
8隻 8pcs$71.00津白豬肉水餃 Pork with Tianjin Cabbage Boiled Dumpling
8隻 8 pcs$71.00紅油抄手 Wonton in Hot Sauce
6隻 6 pcs$55.00
甜品 Desserts
紅糖糍粑 Glutinous Rice Cake with Brown Sugar
6粒 6Pcs$55.00豆沙窩餅 Deep-fried Pancake with Red Bean Paste
$55.00酒釀湯圓 Glutinous Rice Dumplings in Sweet Rice Wine Soup
4粒 4 Pcs$46.00核桃露湯圓盅 Sweet Walnut Soup with Glutinous Rice Dumplings
4粒 4 Pcs$48.00核桃露丸子盅Sweet Walnut Soup with Mini Glutinous Balls
盅 Pot$46.00
飲品 Beverages
自磨豆漿 Homemade Soya Milk
一杯 One cup$18.00酸梅湯 Soup Plum Drink
一杯 One cup$11.00可樂 Coca Cola
一罐 One can$18.00七喜 7 Up
一罐 One can$18.00加多寶 JDB Herbal Tea
一罐 One can$21.00